5 Benefits of Using Global Elastic License (GEL)

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, where more organizations transition to the cloud and adopt automation, they face the challenge of managing application delivery services in dynamic environments with fluctuating capacity needs. Whether they are transferring to a public cloud, building their own private cloud, or managing a hybrid deployment, organizations encounter complexities in ensuring the availability, performance, and protection of their applications.

Traditional perpetual licenses are no longer practical in this context. They lack the necessary flexibility and agility to accommodate the dynamic nature of modern IT infrastructures. Additionally, they pose planning risks and contribute to increased costs, limiting organizations’ ability to optimize their application delivery strategies.

Radware’s Global Elastic License (GEL) presents a groundbreaking solution to these challenges, offering a subscription-based model that brings numerous benefits over traditional perpetual licenses. In this blog, we will explore five key advantages of adopting GEL for your organization’s ADC needs.

1. Flexibility & Agility:

With GEL, organizations gain unparalleled flexibility and agility in deploying ADC instances. At a simple click of a button, administrators can spin up any number of ADC instances in any size, in any environment they are needed. Moreover, these instances can be easily scaled up or down based on on-demand capacity requirements, eliminating the complexities and costs associated with purchasing additional licenses. GEL empowers organizations to adapt swiftly to changing business needs and ensures optimal performance and availability of applications.

2. Predictable Costs & Lower TCO:

GEL offers a pay-as-you-grow model, enabling organizations to align costs with their actual usage. By eliminating the need for long-term capacity planning, organizations can avoid overprovisioning and reduce unnecessary expenses. The OpEx-based subscription model allows for predictable costs, making budgeting and financial planning more manageable. With GEL, organizations can optimize their ADC investment and achieve a lower TCO by paying only for the resources they require.

3. Operational Simplicity:

GEL simplifies license management by providing a single capacity-based license with all the capability and add-on services that your ADC requires. This license can be utilized across different environments, whether on-premises, private cloud, or public cloud. Organizations can leverage GEL to meet their ADC needs. The license is upgradable, allowing for seamless scaling without the hassle of acquiring additional licenses. This operational simplicity streamlines planning and provides visibility into license usage across the organization. Consolidating ADC licensing under the global elastic license streamlines administrative tasks, reducing complexity and enhancing operational efficiency.

GEL Dashboard for Simplified GEL License Management

4. Hybrid Deployment:

As organizations embrace hybrid cloud models, the ability to deploy ADCs across various environments becomes critical. GEL empowers organizations to optimize costs during cloud transitions by seamlessly transferring ADC capacity from physical data centers to the cloud. With GEL, organizations can ensure consistent and reliable application delivery regardless of the deployment environment. This flexibility enables organizations to leverage the benefits of cloud infrastructure while maintaining control and enhancing their application performance.

5. Automation-Driven:

GEL breaks free from the limitations of traditional licenses that rely on device MAC addresses. Instead, it enables automated instance provisioning and dynamic allocation of capacity based on current application needs. Administrators can spin up or down instances and adjust allocated capacity per instance with ease, responding swiftly to changing demands. This automation ensures optimal resource utilization, reduces manual intervention, and enables organizations to deliver applications with agility and efficiency.

Radware’s Global Elastic License (GEL) revolutionizes the landscape of application delivery services by offering a flexible and agile solution to address the challenges faced by organizations today. By replacing traditional perpetual licenses with GEL, organizations can overcome the limitations of inflexible license models and effectively manage their dynamic environments with their on-demand capacity needs.

GEL not only provides the freedom to spin up ADC instances in any environment at the click of a button, but also offers predictable costs and a lower total cost of ownership (TCO). The operational simplicity of a single license for various environments, and the automation-driven capabilities further enhance the benefits of GEL.

Ready to unlock the power of GEL? Contact Radware today and schedule a demo to witness firsthand how GEL can revolutionize your application management goals. Our team of experts is eager to guide you through the process, showcasing the power and potential of GEL in meeting your specific needs.

Dalit Bar

Dalit Bar is a senior product manager in Radware's Application Delivery Controller Group with extensive experience in networking, data analytics and security solutions. She combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of UX (user experience) to develop solutions that meet customers’ needs and deliver business value. Dalit holds a Bachelor of Sciences (BScs) degree in communication system engineering.

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