DDoS Protection Pricing Guide

Today, businesses and services are increasingly conducted online, and the security of web infrastructure has become paramount. One of the most prevalent and disruptive threats to this infrastructure is distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

DDoS attacks aim to overwhelm a network, service, or server with excessive requests, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate users. This can lead to significant business disruption, loss of revenue and damage to a company's reputation.

The importance of DDoS protection cannot be overstated. It serves as a shield, safeguarding online services from these disruptive attacks, ensuring uninterrupted service availability and maintaining user trust.

Why Invest in DDoS Protection?

In the face of growing digital threats, investing in DDoS protection is more than just a security measure; it’s a strategic business decision. Here are some reasons why DDoS protection is crucial for businesses:

Protecting Revenue Streams
If your website or service is inaccessible due to a DDoS attack, it can directly impact your revenue. Customers may not be able to make purchases or access services, or they might choose to go to a competitor instead. By investing in DDoS protection, you safeguard your revenue streams from such disruptions.

Business Continuity
DDoS attacks can cause significant downtime, disrupting your business operations. This can lead to loss of revenue, especially for businesses that rely heavily on online transactions. DDoS protection ensures that your services remain available and reliable, maintaining business continuity.

Preserving Brand Reputation
A successful DDoS attack can harm your brand’s reputation. Customers expect services to be available when they need them. Frequent downtime can lead to customer dissatisfaction and damage your brand’s image. DDoS protection helps maintain your brand reputation by ensuring service availability.

Customer Trust
Trust is a critical component of customer relationships. If customers feel their data might be at risk, or if they can’t access services when needed, it can erode their trust in your brand. DDoS protection not only secures your infrastructure but also helps build and maintain customer trust.

Avoiding Additional Costs
The aftermath of a DDoS attack can lead to additional costs, including incident response, system recovery, and even potential legal fees or fines, especially if the attack leads to a data breach. Investing in DDoS protection is a proactive measure that can help avoid these additional costs.

Compliance Requirements
For certain industries, having a DDoS protection plan in place is a compliance requirement. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and can damage your business’s reputation.

DDoS attacks pose a significant threat to businesses, and their evolving nature makes them increasingly difficult to manage. A robust DDoS protection plan is not just about dealing with attacks; it’s about proactively safeguarding your business, your revenue and your reputation. It’s an investment in the stability and longevity of your business in the digital age.

Key Elements Affecting the Cost of DDoS Protection Services

The cost of DDoS protection services is not a one-size-fits-all figure. It varies based on several key elements that cater to the specific needs and requirements of each business. Here are some of the primary factors that contribute to the pricing of DDoS protection services:

  1. Size of the Protected Infrastructure
    The larger the infrastructure that needs protection, the higher the cost. This includes the number of servers, websites, applications and networks that require protection.
  2. Traffic Volume
    DDoS protection services often price based on the amount of clean (legitimate) traffic that your network or application receives. Higher traffic volumes typically lead to higher costs.
  3. Complexity of the Solution
    The cost can also depend on the complexity of the DDoS protection solution. More sophisticated solutions that provide comprehensive protection against a wide range of DDoS attack types tend to cost more.
  4. Level of Service
    The level of service provided by the DDoS protection provider also affects the cost. This includes aspects like 24/7 customer support, the speed of response to an attack and the quality of attack mitigation.
  1. Customization
    If the DDoS protection service needs to be customized to fit specific business needs or to integrate with existing systems, this can also increase the cost.
  2. Redundancy
    Having redundant DDoS protection (i.e., backup systems in case the primary protection fails) can provide an extra layer of security, but it also adds to the cost.
  3. Compliance Requirements
    Certain industries have specific compliance requirements related to DDoS protection. Meeting these requirements can sometimes add to the cost.

In conclusion, the cost of DDoS protection services is influenced by a variety of factors and can vary significantly from one business to another. It’s essential for businesses to assess their specific needs, risks and budget constraints to choose a DDoS protection service that offers the best value and protection.

Types of DDoS Protection Solutions

There are several types of DDoS protection solutions available, each with its own advantages, disadvantages, and impact on pricing. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. On-Premises DDoS Protection
    On-premises DDoS protection solutions are hardware or software-based systems installed within the user’s network. They provide immediate and localized protection against DDoS attacks. However, they might struggle against larger-scale attacks that exceed the network’s bandwidth. The cost of on-premises solutions can be higher due to the upfront investment in hardware or software, installation and ongoing maintenance costs.
  2. Cloud-Based DDoS Protection
    Cloud-based DDoS protection services operate from the provider’s network. They are typically capable of handling much larger-scale attacks by leveraging the vast resources of the cloud. These services often use a subscription-based pricing model, making them more affordable upfront. However, costs can increase based on the level of protection required and the amount of clean traffic.
  1. Hybrid DDoS Protection
    Hybrid DDoS protection combines on-premises and cloud-based solutions. The on-premises component provides immediate protection against smaller, more common attacks, while the cloud-based component steps in when the attack scale exceeds the capacity of the on-premises solution. Hybrid solutions offer comprehensive protection but can be more expensive due to the combined cost of both components.

Service Features and Customization

The cost of DDoS protection services can also be influenced by the specific features and customization options that a business requires. The key factors are:

  1. Traffic Volume
    As mentioned earlier, many DDoS protection services are priced based on the volume of clean traffic that your network or application receives. If your business has high traffic volumes, you may need a more robust (and potentially more expensive) DDoS protection service.
  2. Protection Levels
    The level of protection you need can also affect the cost. For example, if you require protection against more sophisticated, multi-vector DDoS attacks, you may need to invest in a more advanced (and likely more costly) service.
  3. Additional Security Services
    Many DDoS protection providers offer additional security services, such as Web Application Firewalls (WAF), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protection. If you choose to add these services to your DDoS protection plan, it will increase the cost.
  1. Customization
    If the DDoS protection service needs to be customized to fit your specific business needs or to integrate with your existing systems, this can also increase the cost. Customization can include things like specific alert thresholds, custom reporting, or unique mitigation strategies.
  2. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
    The level of service guaranteed by the provider in their Service Level Agreement (SLA) can also affect the cost. A higher SLA, which might guarantee faster response times or more comprehensive support, will likely come with a higher price tag.

As we have shown, the features and customization options of a DDoS protection service can significantly impact its cost. It’s important for businesses to carefully consider their specific needs and budget when choosing a service. Remember, the cheapest option is not always the best when it comes to protecting your business from DDoS attacks. It’s about finding the right balance between cost and the level of protection your business requires.

Long-Term Contracts vs. Pay-as-You-Go Services

When it comes to DDoS protection services, pricing models can vary significantly. Two common models are long-term contracts and pay-as-you-go services. Here’s a detailed comparison of both:

Long-Term Contracts
Long-term contracts involve a commitment to a DDoS protection service for a specified period, typically ranging from one to three years. The pricing is usually fixed and is paid either monthly or annually.


Cost Savings: Long-term contracts often come with discounts, making them more cost-effective over the contract duration.

Guaranteed Service: The service level is guaranteed for the contract duration, providing peace of mind.

Predictability: The cost is known upfront, which aids in budget planning.


Less Flexibility: If your traffic volume or protection needs change, you may be stuck with a plan that no longer fits your requirements.

Early Termination Fees: If you wish to terminate the contract early, you may be subject to penalties or fees.

Pay-As-You-Go Services
Pay-as-you-go services, as the name suggests, allow you to pay for the service as you use it. This model provides flexibility as you only pay for what you need.


Flexibility: You can adjust your protection level as your needs change, making it ideal for businesses with fluctuating traffic volumes.

No Long-Term Commitment: There’s no need to commit to a long-term contract, making it easier to switch providers if you’re unsatisfied with the service.


Unpredictable Costs: Your costs could increase significantly during periods of high traffic or during a DDoS attack.

Potential for Higher Costs: Without the discounts associated with long-term contracts, pay-as-you-go services might end up being more expensive over time.

The choice between long-term contracts and pay-as-you-go services depends on your business’s specific needs and circumstances. It’s crucial to consider factors like budget, traffic volume predictability and flexibility needs when choosing a pricing model. Remember, the goal is to achieve the right balance between cost and effective DDoS protection.

5 Questions to Ask Your DDoS Protection Vendor About DDoS Pricing

When choosing a DDoS protection service, it's crucial to ensure that you're getting the protection you need without overpaying. Here are five key questions to ask your DDoS mitigation vendor:

  1. How much traffic do you really need?
    This is arguably the biggest reason for overpaying—buying protection packages that are too large. DDoS protection packages are usually sold in price tiers according to traffic volume. The traffic volume you purchase should correspond to the volume of legitimate traffic that your website handles on a regular basis.
  1. Are you paying for bad traffic?
    Find out what type of traffic you're paying for. When under a DDoS attack, traffic volumes increase exponentially within a short time. Therefore, it's important to know whether you are paying for legitimate traffic or attack traffic. Paying for attack traffic can quickly escalate to tens of thousands of dollars (or more) per attack.
  1. Does it include application-layer DDoS protection?
    Application-layer DDoS attacks are becoming increasingly common, and they require specific mitigation techniques. Make sure your DDoS protection package includes application-layer DDoS protection.
  1. Are you protected against TLS DDoS attacks?
    TLS-based DDoS attacks are a growing threat. These attacks take advantage of the TLS handshake mechanism to overwhelm the server. Ensure your DDoS protection package includes protection against TLS-based DDoS attacks.
  1. Be Aware of Hidden Costs on the Public Cloud
    If you're hosting your services on the public cloud, be aware of potential hidden costs. Some cloud providers may charge you for the extra traffic generated during a DDoS attack. Make sure you understand the cost implications of a DDoS attack on your cloud-hosted services.

Radware’s DDoS Protection Solutions and Pricing

Radware is a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, offering a suite of products designed to protect businesses from DDoS attacks. Our solutions are designed to secure data centers and applications, providing industry-leading protection for all environments against today's most advanced DDoS attacks.

Key Features and Benefits
Radware's DDoS protection solutions offer several unique features and benefits:

State Of the Art Protection:
Radware's solutions use patented algorithms to automatically block the most advanced threats in real-time, including Burst and DNS attacks, Web DDoS attacks, IoT botnets, Ransom DDoS and more.

Global Coverage & Massive Capacity:
Radware offers worldwide network coverage with 19 scrubbing centers and 12 Tbps of mitigation capacity.

Hybrid DDoS Security Solution:
Radware's DDoS attack protection solution is a hybrid DDoS security solution integrating always-on DDoS prevention services such as detection and mitigation (on-premise or in the cloud) with cloud-based volumetric DDoS attack prevention, scrubbing, and 24x7 cyberattack and DDoS security with Radware’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) support.

Behavioral-Based Detection:
Radware DefensePro’s patented, behavior-based detection technology provides automated DDoS protection from fast-moving, high-volume, encrypted or very short-duration threats. It defends against Burst, DNS and TLS/SSL attacks as well as ransom DDoS campaigns, Internet-of-Things (IoT) botnets, phantom floods, and other types of cyber threats.

Comprehensive Web DDoS Protection:
As part of our Cloud DDoS Protection Services, Radware protects against L7 application-layer Web DDoS Tsunami attacks, using behavioral-based protections to stop HTTP/S floods, low-and-slow attacks, encrypted attacks and more.


Radware offers personalized consultations and custom pricing based on specific business requirements. The cost of Radware's DDoS protection solutions varies depending on the specific product and the features it includes. However, the price can vary based on use case and there are monthly and annual licensing options. If you deploy on-premises, there is an annual license with the amount dependent on the throughput you need, and which features you will be using.

Conclusion: The Value of DDoS Protection

In today's digital age, the value of robust DDoS protection cannot be overstated. DDoS attacks can cause significant disruption to businesses, leading to downtime, loss of revenue and damage to brand reputation. The costs associated with these attacks can be substantial, not only in terms of immediate financial loss but also long-term reputational damage.

Investing in DDoS protection is not just about preventing attacks; it's about ensuring business continuity, preserving brand reputation and maintaining customer trust. It's about safeguarding your business's digital presence and ensuring that your services remain available and reliable for your customers.

Choosing the right DDoS protection solution requires informed decision-making. It's important to understand your specific needs, the nature of the threats you face and the various solutions available in the market. Cost is an important factor, but it should not be the only consideration. The cheapest solution may not provide the level of protection your business needs, and the most expensive one may include features you don't need.

Radware offers a range of DDoS protection solutions designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. With its advanced features, global coverage and flexible pricing, Radware provides robust protection against today's most advanced DDoS threats.

In conclusion, DDoS protection is a critical investment for any business operating online. It's not just a cost to be minimized, but a strategic investment in the security and reliability of your digital services. We invite you to explore Radware's DDoS protection solutions and discover how they can help secure your business in the digital age.

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